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Welcome to Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association
Our organization has come a long way since its origin in 1957 as the Zone 2 Michigan Trappers Association. 

Following the Zone 2 organization, Southern Michigan Trappers Assocation began in 1974, followed by a statewide merger into the Michigan Trappers Association, Inc., in 1989.

With the statewide interest in both trapping and predator calling, the association again encompassed additional sportsmen and women in 2009 with the beginnings of the statewide Michigan Trappers & Predator Callers Association, Inc.

Our objectives have remained the same over the years, and include protecting the rights of Michigan sportsmen to harvest surplus furbearing animals, realizing the need for furbearer conservation and education, and assisting the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in wildlife management.

Because of our efforts throughout the years, our residents are still able to traverse the woods and waterways in pursuit of the renewable resources of furbearing animals.
Fur Harvester Digest
Michigan Trapper
Education Manual
Copyright©2009-2024 - MTPCA - All Rights Reserved
Website by HawkMtn
Michigan Trapper Education
FTA Affiliate of the Year
The Case for Scientific Wolf Management in Michigan - Add Your Opinion
All of the individuals and organizations below who have signed on to this “simple” solution want Michigan’s wolf management to be taken out of politics, personal agendas, the fundraising and “pseudo-science” of those organizations who profess to be protecting animals but are just getting rich and doing nothing to protect critical habitat or population sustainability. READ MORE
2024 Fur Harvester Digest
Creating a United Front - Dedicated to Protecting Sportsmen's Rights
Michigan Trappers & Predator Callers Association
MTPCA Scholarship
MTPCA Scholarship
MTPCA Membership Drive
As we all know with fur prices down and gas prices soaring memberships are down and we are looking for any opportunity to help grow the membership during this time. In order to do so we are looking forward to doing a membership drive for new members with the guarantee to win free MTPCA gear and a chance at some great prizes for both trappers and predator callers alike.
This drive will start at our yearly convention on August 18, 2023 and go through to our yearly convention in August 2024. The drawing winners will be picked at the yearly convention in Evart. I look forward to seeing how hard the trapping and predator hunting community can work in order to help raise memberships to help secure our future in trapping and predator hunting here in Michigan.

Sign up 1 New Member = 1 Entry for Drawing
Sign up 5 New Members = 5 Entries for Drawing Plus Get a free Coffee Mug or Sticker
Sign up 10 new Members = 10 Entries for Drawing Plus Get A Free license plate or patch and above
Sign up 15 New Members = 15 Entries for Drawing Plus Get a Free T-shirt and above
Sign up 20 New Members = 20 Entries for Drawing Plus Get a Free Hat and above
Sign up 30 New Members = 30 Entries for Drawing Plus Get a Free Hoodie and above
Sign up 34 New Members = Free lifetime membership (this is available to all members except board members) as well as above

Trapping Prizes

1ST PRIZE- Sponsored by Ralph from J&K Fur Exchange Trap Package 4 DUKE 550s, 4 110s, 4 Duke DPs
2nd Prize Sponsored by Ernest Winter from Winter Wildlife Control Bait and Lure- Package of both Land and Water Baits and Lures
3rd Prize Sponsored by Jim Tate from Wolfen Bait and Lures- Package of both Land and Water Baits and Lures
4th Prize Sponsored by  Hagz Trapline Product Package

Predator Caller Prizes
Grand Prize- Sponsored by FNT POST ICOtec Helion Programmable Electronic Game Caller
1st Prize- Sponsored by Paul Cianciolo from Predator Hunter Outdoors NightSnipe NS750 IR Illuminator Hunting Light Kit
2nd Prize Bog Tripod Sponsored by Williams Gun Sight INC  
3rd Prize Hand/Mouth Call Package Sponsored by D&R Sports
4th Shoulder Drag Sponsored by and from KT CORDS
CLICK HERE for Complete Membership Drive Details
Get 10% Off Orders from PCS Outdoors
Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers
Continue Stand To Defend Proposal G
On March 14th 2024 the Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC), as part of WCO Amendment No. 1 of 2024, voted 4-2 (with one commissioner absent) to close the Michigan coyote hunting season from April 15th to July 15th. This was done as a response to supposed complaints about social perceptions and the associated political fears of repercussions from animal rights and anti-hunting groups.  

This vote, based upon social perceptions as opposed to “principles of sound scientific management” is a direct assault on the heart and soul of Proposal G.

Proposal G was adopted in 1996 by a vote of the people (68.7% in favor, and only 31.3% against) to ensure, via state statute, that Michigan’s Natural Resources are managed based upon sound science, instead of political pressure.

If the NRC’s decision, based upon social perception, to reduce the citizens’ ability to effectively manage Michigan’s continually problematic coyote population is not challenged, and reversed, the damage to Proposal G may be irreversible. Decisions made based upon social pressure and contrary to sound science set very dangerous precedents, opening the door to countless threats to Michigan’s natural resources.

The DNR officially made NO RECOMMENDATION for this change due to lack of supporting data.
On March 27, 2024, The Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association (MTPCA) filed an appeal in Mackinac County Circuit Court, challenging the NRC’s decision. MTPCA is represented by Stephen J. van Stempvoort, Miller Johnson, Grand Rapids MI.
On March 28, 2024, Michigan United Conservation Clubs also filed a separate appeal challenging the NRC’s decision in Ingham County. MUCC is represented by Aaron Phelps of Varnum Law.

MTPCA had previously engaged Miller Johnson in February for advice in hopefully avoiding any actual legal action, and being better prepared for the unfortunate eventuality. We have also been in communication with MUCC and other national groups, such as Safari Club International (SCI), the National Trappers Association (NTA), and Fur Takers of America (FTA), who share MTPCA’s strong interest in managing natural resources through scientific principles, rather than through political pressure.

One of the most common questions at the moment is about the decisions concerning who filed what and where. The MTPCA filed its appeal in Mackinac County. The MUCC filed its appeal independently, in Ingham County. The Michigan Attorney General (AG), who is legal counsel for the NRC, asked the Mackinac County court to transfer the MTPCA’s appeal to Ingham County so that both appeals would be combined and heard in Ingham County. The court granted this request. Both MTPCA and MUCC’s appeals will be heard as one in Ingham County.

All of this essentially brings us to more hurry up and wait, which is a big part of any legal proceedings. Our side waits for materials from their side, we have to review stuff, run our reviews by them, wait for response, etc, etc.

The other most common question is WHEN? The WHEN doesn’t matter. What matters is the RESULTS. The importance of this case goes FAR beyond three months of coyote hunting season. It’s about defending Proposal G. It’s about protecting our natural resources. We expect to have continued progress and could see results by late summer, early fall. Or things could get difficult and drag out into next year. We simply have no way of knowing.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, any suggestions, any way to help, do not hesitate to reach out to myself or any of MTPCA’s board members. As Public Relations Director I have been assigned the direct management of this with oversight by the board. I am at your service.

Merle R Jones II
Public Relations Director
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Michigan United Conservation Clubs